Nov 28, 2013


guess guess guess~ who's birthday today!


He's one of my dearest friends when I was studying in UiTM Shah Alam, along with Ina, Pidot, Nizam, and Aan.
I happened to open Facebook this afternoon and tadahh!! Birthday notification caught my attention~
Duh! Today's his birthday??? oh em geee!! how can I forgot! (my forgetness is the greatest~ mwahahaha)

Well, Dekwan,
Happy 22nd birthday, have a blast in your life, enjoy while we're still young and have a blessed life!

Ja ne!

FYP matters~~

Report, programming, report, programming....
mana satu nak siapkan hoi~~
dua minggu lagi draft report kena hantar dah!
lagi sebulan je lagi oiiii nak VIVA!


Nov 25, 2013

Majlis Pra Graduan + Anugerah Dekan (MPG+AD) FSKM

Actually this post was supposed to be published long time ago~
don't know how it still in draft~ haha
well~ cekidout!

Assalamualaikum & good day peeps!

How's your day? Mine right now wasn't so busy, since it is still in the first week of lecture.
Well, our degree timetable still not fixed until diploma students start semester break.
Everyday we've gotta check the information board in front of the faculty office for the first two weeks or so, for any changes in our timetable. Usually what is the most frustrating for those who came early in the morning is when the new timetable says that there are no morning classes, or no classes for that day! Hahaha~~

Oppss~ Babbling too much here~ kekeke

By the way, the main topic here is MPG+AD dinner! Kind of grand with gold theme at a 4 star hotel in Ipoh. What hotel? Regency Tower Hotel! Such a nice place to hold such events, but the surau (prayer room) is all the waaaaayyyy up to the tenth floor. Thank goodness there are lifts, since earlier Sarah told me that we need to walk up using stairs (that may be her lie, since she love to play jokes on me, haha).

I have always hoped that hotels in Malaysia should pay a little more attention to the comfort and facility of the prayer room. Why not provide two prayer rooms for men and women instead cramped all in one room with only curtain as the barrier in between the men' and women' prayer place.

Before I haven't thought so much when my classmate Sarah told me about the invitation to MPG dinner few weeks before the event, just text the yes to Mr. Kerol the Class Rep (not his real name). As the event is drawing near now that I thought that I don't have any clothes that match with the theme, GOLD! Other people would buy GOLD color as one of their collection, but not me~

Right then I started to feel anxious because I've got nothing to wear that match with the theme! Oh my~~ In the end I got sponsored by housemates! arigato ne, yati for baju kurung and selendang, also hanis for your tudung sarung! With that, all went just fine~ let pictures tell the story~

Laziness Production

phew~ I've been lazy ass past few days...
All of this was because last week was progress report presentation for FYP progress... which means I have to at least done half of the progress~ so few days before the presentation I've been working my ass on the project like crazy~ haha!

During the "workout" I've sketched something to release tension and boredom in the midnight~ haha~
~love how this picture was taken~
I do believe that every picture, or even sketches are manifestation of what the artist is thinking, and maybe there are something like hidden message "embedded" in the drawing (ufufufu~ I really like the idea~ hidden thingy!). This sketch was done when I'm not in the good mood.. and was manifested in the sketch~ well~ I'll let you guys think a bit what kind of mood I had at that time~ fufufuu~
~close up a bit~
The sketch below was done after the presentation~ while laziness is still lingering around, even now while this post is written~~
~~guess guess guess~~
 This guy is Takahashi Keisuke, one of main character in InitialD~ whoohooo!!! (argh! busted! haha) One of my fav characters so far~ and also Fujiwara Takumi (these two really kakkoi! during racing laa.. haha)~ because he was drawn without a face, well actually I did try to add his face expression after the sketch was done, but it turned out to become reaaalllyyy disgusting! haha~ so in the end I didn't put any, but sketch basic line to his face... if you look closely you can see the traces of the (disgusting?) expression I tried to draw on his face (well, you can see it without looking too hard)~

sore ja~ until next time~ bye!

Nov 19, 2013


Ne Kimitachi, Arigato, Gomennasai...

Hell'O~ haha kidding!

How's your day today? Fun? Depressed?
Lately I've been busy with FYP (final year project), busy preparing for progress report presentation for my project...
coding coding and coding~

But, don't know since when my sense told me that there's something wrong happening around...
I hope it's just my imagination... or maybe not...
Well~ If there's anything that I do wrong, gomennasai!
I don't want to trust my sense, but usually my sense is correct...
hontou ni, if that's true (what I do wrong), then gomennasai...

I have nothing to say to back up my wrongdoings or whatsoever, just so to let them know that I DO sense something is going wrong

hm~ that's all for today~~ clueless direction with mindless thought~
soreja~ arigato, gomennasai~