Feb 11, 2012


Ada seorang wanita memandu di atas jalan raya. Tiba-tiba sebuah motosikal memotong kereta wanita tersebut dengan lajunya. Dengan sekuat-kuat hati wanita itu menjerit melalui tingkap,
"BABI!!! Bawak motor tu pelan sikit!".
Penunggang motosikal itu pun berasa marah, lalu memandang ke belakang dan membalas, 
"Sial ko pompuan! Mentang-mentang la bawak kereta bes ..." 
Gedegangggg! Rupa-rupanya penunggang motosikal tu terbabas dan melangga babi hutan  yang sedang melintas... Rupanya, wanita tadi cuba memberitahu penunggang motosikal supaya memperlahankan motosikalnya kerana kereta wanita tersebut juga telah kemek akibat terlanggar babi...

p/s : Bila bercakap biar terang maksudnya... kan dah salah faham XD

Feb 6, 2012

Photoshop : Miura Haruma :)

Assalamualaikum wbt...

taken from websites

edited : photoshopped =D

RIGHT, this time I wanna share what I have done to the original picture of japanese actor Miura Haruma (first pic) and transformed it into as what you can see, a badge-like or CD-cover pic... LOL! Of course the picture was taken from website,  sakuramochi after googling around the websites in searching for this guy's information :)

Well, i'm not a big fan of Miura Haruma, but i came to like him after I watched Bloody Monday series where he take the main role as a high school student who is a genius in computer knowledge and skills, Takagi Fujimaru a.k.a Falcon.

That's all a little information about him and the series XD

Hopefully after this I could post updates more frequently with lots of stories and ideas ~(^0^)~ haha

Feb 4, 2012

UiTM new intake 2012


Just want to announce, that i've been accepted to further my studies in UiTM Sri Iskandar, Perak... hehehe
The announcement was made on 2nd February 2012, 5.00 pm on student portal UiTM intake.

That's all for now. I'll find some time later to write more about this. (Can't ignore my mom's calling...)