Nov 14, 2011

musical theater

in a few days i've watched two musicals;
Kuroshitsuji musical 2 : The Most Beautiful Death in The World
HunterXHunter : The Nightmare of Zaoldyeck

Kuroshitsuji musical 2


Some may find these musicals are boring , but for me , I really enjoy the show =D


nice . please be nice to other people . i don't wanna blame YOU , but please , respect others . YOU can't simply say that YOU want this and that . watch YOUR own words , to whom YOU are speaking with . enough is enough .

mood --> sensitive

(blue flame is hotter than red)

Nov 8, 2011

Yuuka - akatsuki no kuruma studio live

this song became my favourite when my roomate, Farhana Kamarudin introduced this song to me.

2PM - take off (ao no exorcist theme song)

Enjoy this song =)
hmm... who introduced me the song? either Farhana or Ain Syuhada

yuuka - Akatsuki no kuruma with lyrics

Touch . My . Heart

Nov 7, 2011

tired kitten

Assalamualaikum wbt ;
hello everyone ! after a long time(?) no entry for my blog, i hope this video will cheer up this blog. =)

well, this is a video bout a lil' kitten trying to get some sleep .
haha sometimes when we get so tired we will act like this kitten do . LOL !